

Neurology Specialists & Neuromuscular Medicine Providers located in Waxahachie, Mansfield and Mesquite, TX

EMG services offered in Waxahachie, Mansfield and Mesquite, TX

EMG (electromyography) is a diagnostic tool that helps diagnose nerve disorders. The highly skilled Neurology Care team performs EMG and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) tests at their Waxahachie, Mesquite, and Mansfield, Texas, offices. Using their expertise in EMG, the board-certified neurologists can diagnose and assess numerous conditions, from carpal tunnel syndrome to peripheral neuropathy. Call Neurology Care to learn more about EMG, or book an appointment online today. 


What is an EMG?

An EMG procedure measures your muscle and nerve function. When you have an EMG, your Neurology Care provider inserts a slender needle attached to an electrode into a specific muscle. The electrode measures the electrical activity in that muscle and the nerves controlling it.

Your provider also performs a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test alongside your EMG. An NCV test doesn’t use needles. Instead, your provider attaches discs to your skin that record the nerve response to mild electrical stimulation.

EMGs and NCVs help diagnose nerve-related symptoms. They also enable your provider to determine your condition’s severity and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Why might I need an EMG?

You might need an EMG if your Neurology Care provider thinks your symptoms could result from a nervous system disorder. Conditions that might involve EMG use include:

  • Peripheral neuropathy (damaged or dysfunctional nerves)
  • Cervical radiculopathy (nerve-related neck pain)
  • Lumbar radiculopathy (lower back nerve pain)
  • Myopathy (muscle control disease)
  • Myasthenia gravis (autoimmune muscle weakness disorder)
  • Muscular dystrophy (genetic muscle weakness)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (wrist pain and weakness)
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Polymyositis (inflammatory myopathy)

These conditions typically cause nerve-related symptoms such as weakness, numbness, prickling, tingling, or burning sensations. They can also cause severe, disabling pain in many people.

What happens when I have an EMG?

Before having an EMG, ensure your skin is clean but avoid using any lotions or perfumes, as these may affect the results.

Muscle needle examination involves directly recording muscle activity at rest and when contracting by inserting a needle electrode into your muscles. These small, solid pins or needles in the muscle tissues measure electrical activity.

The needles differ from the hollow ones your provider uses to inject medications. Because the injection contains no drugs, there’s far less discomfort than you’d experience with a shot.

What happens after an EMG?

EMGs don’t require any sedation, so there’s no downtime, and you’re free to go about your day as usual after the tests.

After analyzing the results, your provider meets with you to discuss the outcomes of your EMG and NCV studies. They also recommend any treatment you need based on their diagnosis.

To learn more about EMG and its value in nerve disorder diagnosis, call Neurology Care today or book an appointment online.